Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Today's Fortune Cookie

Good news for 2007:

A way out of a financial mess is discovered as if my magic!

This is especially good news, since we just had a 2 hour company meeting to discuss the 2007 finacials. For the 4th year in a row, they've designed the annual bonus plan with more loopholes than an Enron retirement package. No bonus for you!

The fortune had the usual set of "lucky" numbers, but I'm not going to post them, because I'm thinking "Powerball".


Anonymous said...

hey, yea but, they didn't say anything about not drinking at work again. whoops, they don't about this blog do they?

Anonymous said...

whoops, i cant type when i'm drunk! i meant to tiyp they dont know abouut this blg do they?